About Us

The Sound Organisation
Has Been Dedicated To Discovering And Importing Unique Audio And Visual Products For Over Two Decades In Order To Guide Music And Imagination Into Your Home, Your Life And Your Soul.



Have you ever experienced a magical moment where music has taken you to place where mere words or pictures seem obsolete? Where time seems to stand still and your troubles float away... A moment where an image is so realistic that your surroundings fade away and you are immersed into a story that transports you to another place...

Those moments are what inspires us all at The Sound Organisation and our goal, our mission, is to create those moments for everyone. 

We are a team of extraordinary experienced professionals that have dedicated our lives to the audio and visual industry. We are passionate about sharing our knowledge with the right partners to deliver music and image in a way that you didn't know was possible.

Although our brands may be unfamiliar to some, the manufacturers that we import are long established companies with a rich history of producing an amazing sound and image. Instead of wasting their vital time and revenue advertising, they pour their hearts into crafting equipment that is not only visually stunning but breathtaking in sound. They don't claim to have a phenomenal product , they prove it by spending dollars on what is visual and audible rather than what some perceive as persuasion and guile. 

Welcome to The Sound Organisation. Now that you know what inspires us, we want to know if we have inspired you to start your journey in guiding music and imagination into your home, your life, and your soul.


"Whether it’s personal or professional you always want to surround yourself with people that have your best interest at hand. The Sound Organisation has a collection of great products, accompanied by support from a team of individuals that truly want to see you succeed."

— Tony Barnette President - Ellington HIFI



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